Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Milano fashion trend - Dressing like a man

Armani backstage - Emilio Pucci

If I had to summarize all the catwalks that I've seen in Milan, I would use just one word: trousers. All the big Italian names screamed out and loud a trend: next winter we'll dress à la garçonne.
Se dovessi sintetizzare tutte le sfilate viste durante la settimana della moda di Milano, direi che un messaggio è arrivato forte e chiaro dai maestri italiani: le donne il prossimo inverno non potranno fare a meno di vestire à la garçonne.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Milano Fashion Week: best accessories from the catwalks

Fendi AW 12

Accessories are always my favorite part of the outfit, here is my selection of the best shoes and bags that I've seen on Milano catwalks so far.
Gli accessori sono la mia parte preferita di un outfit, ecco la mia selezione delle più belle scarpe e borse che ho visto fino ora sulle passerelle di Milano.

Link à la Mode - 20 best post of the week voted by Indipendent Fashion Bloggers

Spring forward with this week's link à la Mode.
Preparatvi alla primavera con i links à la Mode di questa settimana.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The iconic amazon of Fendi

Little plaits, corset belts and the determination of a metropolitan warrior, this is the Fendi's woman.
Treccine, cinture-corsetto e grinta da guerriera metropolitana per la donna di Fendi.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gucci AW 12: charming decadentism

Gucci opens the Milano Fashion Week with a dark, decadent collection.
La settimana della moda si apre alla grande, con un Gucci in grande spolvero.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The mystery has been revealed: Marni for H&M, the looks

Just 2 weeks to go, be prepared to fight for this astonishing collection.
Solo 2 settimane, preparatevi a combattere per questa meravigliosa collezione.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Victoria Beckham AW 12: say goodbye to the spice, a new fashion designer is in town

If I think about Victoria Beckham what comes to my mind (in this order) is: the spice girls, the wags, famous children with strange names and  a never smiling face. But today the posh spice has other stories to tell.
Se penso a Victoria Beckham mi vengono in mente, nell'ordine: le spice girls, le wags, i bambini vip con nomi assurdi e l'espressione corrucciata. Ma oggi la posh spice ha altro da raccontare.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stockholm street style - part two

Here is the second part of my special selection of street styles from Stockholm Fashion Week.
Ecco la seconda parte della mia selezione di street style dalla Stockholm Fashion Week.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine!

I must admit that I am not a big fan of Valentine day but…
Devo ammettere che non sono una fan di San Valentino ma…

Monday, February 13, 2012

Stockholm street style - part one

If you think that is not possible be fashion with -10 degrees, you are absolutely wrong!
Se pensate che sia impossibile essere fashion a 10 gradi sotto zero, vi sbagliate di grosso!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Stockholm Fashion Week: V Ave Shoe Repair

The dark avant-gardism of V Ave Shoe Repair.
L'avant-guarde dark di V Ave Shoe Repair.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stockholm Fashion Week - Backstage

What's hidden behind the scenes?
Cosa si nasconde dietro le quinte?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

H&M Design Award: Stine Riis

The tailored futuristic elegance of Stine Riis.
L'eleganza sartoriale e futuristica di Stine Riis.

Monday, February 6, 2012

In Stockholm they do it like this (a fashion show, of course…)

During The SFW can happen that, instead of attending a fashion show, you see a magic performance.
Durante la SFW può capitare che, credendo di entrare ad una sfilata, si venga catapultati nel mezzo di uno spettacolo di magia.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Total Black vs Bon Ton: style war in Stockholm

Talking about fashion we could divide Swedish in two big categories: who wears only black, doesn't matter if outside it's summer and the sun sets down at midnight; and the ones who loves pastels tones, neutral, simple and classy. Underground vs bon ton, an epic battle that did not spare even the catwalks of the fashion week.
"Fashionisticamente" parlando potremmo dividere gli svedesi in due grandi categorie: chi si veste di nero sempre e comunque, non importa se fuori è estate e il sole tramonta a mezzanotte, e chi invece è un fervente sostenitore dei toni pastello, neutri, semplici e con cui non si sbaglia mai. Underground contro bon ton insomma, uno scontro tra titani che non ha risparmiato neanche le passerelle della Fashion Week.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stockholm Fashion Week: Whyred

Whyred presents its AW collection: Forest
Whyred presenta la sua collezione AI: Forest

Friday, February 3, 2012

Stockholm Fashion Week: Stylein

A woman born to seduce, that's Stylein princess.
Una seduttrice nata, ecco la donna di Stylein.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stockholm Fashion Week: Altewai.Saome

This year the two brightest talent of the Swedish fashion open the Stockholm Fashion Week.
Ad aprire la settimana della moda di Stoccolma le due giovani promesse della moda svedese.

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